Wednesday, April 30, 2014

A Mom's Inspirations

Today just happens to be the birthday of someone we hold near and dear to our hearts, Mom Lewis. I think it's time she got a little shout out from us.  She is the thread that holds our family's fabric together. What a sweet, humble, beautiful lady she is. We have always appreciated her words of wisdom and encouragement all through the years. She exudes sunshine from her pores, and has been there for all her children in good times and bad. She continues to inspire us with her loving ways and kind thoughts.

Mom and Dad Lewis with some of the family celebrating their birthdays a few years ago
We believe Russ got his artistic abilities from her.  She has always had a talent with painting for as long as we can remember. Something you can't teach, it's just in her. We lovingly recall her many days of experimenting with oils and acrylics, and still proudly display her beautiful works of art throughout our home. 

One of Mom's inspirational paintings

The piece below was made just for her a while back. She loves butterflies and anything to do with Nature. She is the Matriarch of the family and I think it is safe to say all of us, young and old, children and in-laws, look up to her in so many ways. Happy birthday Mom, you continue to inspire us every day. May you continue to have days full of butterflies and flowers, and peace and contentment. 

Fused Glass flower with butterflies

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