Saturday, September 27, 2014

Back to the Grind

Now that the two big events of the year for the Lewis Bunch have come and gone, (the last Lewis wedding, and the birth of our second grandson) it's time to get "back to the grind".  And to tell you the truth, there is nothing I would rather be doing. To be able to work with our garden harvest and yard work, also while ramping back up in the glass studio, brings a sense of purpose and accomplishment. Running a small business and setting the schedules between home and work is a privilege afforded to very few. I certainly don't take it for granted, and look forward to setting new goals with my partner Russ for continued success in our Studio in the coming months.

Our Fall Garden
September is already coming to an end, and of course it has continued to be one of the busiest months for us in the garden. Harvesting all the crops, cleaning, preparing, and canning take up a large amount of our time. Wouldn't have it any other way though. There isn't much that can compare to the satisfaction of a well stocked pantry full of food put there from our own labor. Everything looks fresh and delectable sitting there in the glass jars. This year I even made homemade soup to enjoy for the coming winter months. Nature gave us a beautiful array of color, both in the garden and around the yard. I thought I'd share some of that in this blog for you to enjoy.

Blooming Sweet Peas

The fish are always hungry in our pond.

Marigolds surround the perimeter of our garden

Oodles and oodles of fresh strawberries this year

We will have lots of sunflower seeds to roast from our giant sunflowers

Our apple tree produced apples for the first time this year. Yum!

Gladiolus bloom

Daisy blooms

Part of our new and improved back yard

Ariel shot of our garden area

Ripening Pumpkins

Holly Hocks have such a beautiful bloom

Our chickens are producing lots of eggs for us

Another Daisy bloom

The Arbor has been a nice addition to our garden this year

As I write this morning, a fresh rain is falling down. Nothing like a cloudy day to get in the mood to head into the studio. I've always believed that's why there are so many artists in the Northwest, as grey skies seem to bring about the creative juices. Below is our latest slumped and fused creation out of the kiln. 

Slumped and fused vase

And of course, the hunting season is upon us. For those who would like to accent their den with something other than what a taxidermist would offer, we have some artistic options to choose from. Or if the hunters out there come up empty handed, we can offer a consolation prize of some glass wildlife art. 

Moose on Manzanita Burlwood

Large bugling Elk

A large selection of playful fox pieces

Sandblasted deer on Manzanita burlwood

Large fighting Elk scene

 Thanks for taking the time to read my monthly blog. I hope there is something in here that speaks to you. Taking the time to sit back and reflect now and then as to where we are going in our Studio, proves to me we are on the right path of creativity. And I enjoy sharing some of those ideas with you through photos. Maybe in the least, it will inspire you to create your own zen, whether it be through art, music, or any other creative outlet you wish to pursue.

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