Thursday, October 30, 2014

Boo-tiful Creations

Halloween Decorations on the front porch

It's almost time for the ghouls and goblins to come knocking at our door. We'll manage to take a breather from the Studio for just a bit to treat the little masked monsters. After that, the fires will be burning round the clock, and I'm not talking the kind of candles you would use to light your little Jack-o-lanterns either. Oh no, they will burn much hotter than that! There's lots to get done before our art show next week, so I'll keep this blog spookishly short. Mwaa-ha-ha-ha!

Denver Bronco Football Custom Glass Gift

We recently completed 2 unique glass gifts for a customer. They have a football theme and incorporate blown and sculpted glass with slumped and fused glass. Another challenging "outside the box" project, but we're happy with the outcome.

Custom Order  for a Miami Dolphins Football Theme

With this project behind us, we can get on to carving our pumpkins and tricking the little ghosts and goblins that come our way. We hope you get to do something spooky with your friends and family. Happy Halloween!

Have a howling good time with your friends this Halloween!

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